How to use SUIT for functional MRI analysis

To use the template, a high-resolution T1-weighted scan (for example a 1x1x1mm MPRage) of the individual is needed. Analyzing functional data would then proceed in the following steps:

Hand correaction can also be performed in MRICroN (thanks to Dr. Cyril Pernet for sharing this advice):

Right arm movement against rest, analyzed in SUIT space

Compared to SPM2 normalization, simple movement vs. rest t-values increase by up to 10% due to the better alignment. Benefits for smaller subareas may be even higher. Results can be displayed on the cerebellar template or a corresponding cerebellar flatmap, using caret. Using the atlas package, activations can also be automatically be summarized using different ROIs.

How to use SUIT for fMRI analysis of the dentate nucleus

Please see