Robotcode  1.0
ManipulandumMR Class Reference

Class for control of the 2-link fMRI compatible robot. More...

#include <ManipulandumMR.h>

List of all members.

Public Member Functions

 ManipulandumMR (void)
 ~ManipulandumMR ()
void init (string paramfile)
 initialize the manipulandum with parameter file
void update ()
 Updates the sensory state of the robot.
void update (double dt)
 Updates the sensory state of the robot for time dt.
void recenter ()
 Put (0,0) at current position.
void getCounter (long &sh, long &el)
 Get the raw counter values.
void getPosition (Vector2D &thePos)
 Get Positions.
Vector2D getPosition ()
 Get Position.
void getVelocity (Vector2D &theVel)
 Get Velocities.
Vector2D getVelocity ()
 Get Velocity.
void getAngles (Vector2D &theAngles)
 Get angles of the Shoulder and Elbow.
Vector2D getAngles ()
void setForce (Vector2D theForce)
 Get the Shoulder and Elbow angle in radians.
void setValves (double v0, double v1, double v2, double v3)
 sets voltages of valves directly
void printState ()
 prints the state of a robot on the text display
void setFromLocal (const Matrix2D &, const Vector2D &)
 Sets the Transformation between local (Robot) coordinates and the World.

Public Attributes

Vector2D position
 robot values that can be read
Vector2D velocity
 Current velocity, unfiltered in m/s.
Vector2D positionFilt
 Position after Kalmanfiltering.
Vector2D velocityFilt
 Velocity estimate after Kalman filtering.
Vector2D force
 Current Force Goal in global cooridinates.
Vector2D forceProd
 Current estimate of force produced in global coordinates.
Vector2D forcePiston
 Current Force Goal at each of the pistons.
Vector2D forcePistonProd
 Current estimate of force produced at the pistons (assuming a 60ms time constant)
double offsetPiston
 Offset of valves to avoid starting hysterisis.
double dt
 default update rate
double overdrive
string paramfilename
 robot parameters determined from calibration file
int board_cnt [2]
 Board for encoder channels.
int channel [2]
 Channels for counters.
int board_da
 Board number used for force output.
Matrix2D AFromLocal
 rotation Robot->World x_world = A * x_robot + v
Vector2D vFromLocal
 offset Robot->World x_world = A * x_robot + v
Matrix2D AToLocal
 inverse (AFromLocal)
Vector2D vToLocal
Vector2D jointLength
 Length of robot joints.
Vector2D linkLength
 Length of links between axle and pistons.
Vector2D offset
 Offset for 0 degrees on Shoulder/ Elbow encoder.
Vector2D dir_cnt
 Counting direction of Encoders.
Vector2D alpha
 Angle between axle and positon base.
Vector2D diagLength
 Length of diagonal between axle and piston base.
double force2volts
 Force to volts transversion at pistons.
double tauPiston
 Time constant of force production at the pistons.
bool isFirstUpdate
 robot values that are updated by update step
KalmanFilter< 2 > filter
 Kalman filter for optimal velocity and position estimation.
long sh_cnt
 Shoulder encoder count.
long el_cnt
 Elbow encoder count.
Vector2D theta
 Angles of shoulder joint [0] and elbow joint [1].
Vector2D phi
 angles relative to attachment of pistons
Vector2D positionLocal
 position in robot space
Vector2D lastPosition
 Last position.
Vector2D pistonLength
 Length of the pistons.
Matrix2D Jdx_dtheta
 Jacobian dx/theta.
Matrix2D Jdtheta_dl
 jacobian dtheta to dl
double volts [4]
bool errorState

Detailed Description

Class for control of the 2-link fMRI compatible robot.

Function init is called with a parameter file that contains the data from the Calibration. Then you only have to call update() in regular intervals in the updateHaptics() loop, and you have access to estimates of position and velocity. Manipulandum uses a KalmanFilter for smoothing.

Joern Diedrichsen, 2009-2011

Constructor & Destructor Documentation

ManipulandumMR::ManipulandumMR ( void  )


< Time constant for the pistons

Member Function Documentation

void ManipulandumMR::init ( string  paramfile)

initialize the manipulandum with parameter file

reads calibration from parameter file and calculates all required variables from that

Board for Shoulder Encoder

Channel for Shoulder Encoder

Direction for Shoulder Encoder

Board for Elbow Encoder

Channel for Elbow Encoder

Direction for Elbow Encoder

Board for DA-piston forces

Offset for Shoulder encoder [deg]

Offset for Elbow Enconder [deg]

Length of upper arm length [m]

Length of lower arm [m]

Link Length for Piston, Shoulder [m]

Link Length for Piston, Elbow [m]

Tranformation N to V at pistons

Time constant for the pistons [ms]

void ManipulandumMR::update ( double  dt)

Updates the sensory state of the robot for time dt.

ManipulandumMR::update Updates the sensory state of the robot uses kalman filter to estimate velocity and position

Store the last update

Get the counters and calculate the angles

Calculate the piston length

Calculate Jacobians

robot end effector postion, in Cartesian coord centered at robot shoulder joint

robot end effector velocity

Forces produced at the pistons and endpoint

void ManipulandumMR::recenter ( )

Put (0,0) at current position.

Set the current position of the robot to be (0,0)

void ManipulandumMR::getCounter ( long &  sh,
long &  el 

Get the raw counter values.

Gets the raw counter values by reference.

void ManipulandumMR::setForce ( Vector2D  force)

Get the Shoulder and Elbow angle in radians.

sets forces in Eucledian cooridinates

ManipulandumMR :: setForce Sets the force output for the robot in Eucledian coordinates using the current state of the robot (needs to be called again as the robot moves Valve 0: Shoulder push Valve 1: Shoulder pull Valve 2: Elbow push Valve 3: Elbow pull

void ManipulandumMR::setValves ( double  v0,
double  v1,
double  v2,
double  v3 

sets voltages of valves directly

ManipulandumMR :: setValves Sets the voltage output to the Valves directly

void ManipulandumMR::setFromLocal ( const Matrix2D A,
const Vector2D v 

Sets the Transformation between local (Robot) coordinates and the World.

Set the transformation from local (robot) to World coordinates also set the inverse transform

Member Data Documentation

robot values that can be read

Current position, unfiltered in m

robot parameters determined from calibration file

name of current parameter file

robot values that are updated by update step

is first update?

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