- Zhi, D., Shahshahani, L., Nettekoven, C., Pinho, A., Bzdok, D., Diedrichsen, J. (2023). A hierarchical Bayesian brain parcellation framework for fusion of functional imaging datasets. bioRxiv.
- Kashefi, M., Reschechtko, S., Ariani, G., Shahbazi, M., Die-drichsen, J., Pruszynski, J. (2023). Interaction of multiple future movement plans in sequential reaching. bioRxiv.
- Garzon, B., Helms, G., Olsson, H., Brozzoli, C., Ull, F., Diedrichsen, J., L, M. (2023). Cortical changes during the learning of sequences of simultaneous finger presses. bioRxiv.
- Nettekoven, C., Zhi, D., Ladan, S., Pinho, A., Saadon, N., Buckner, R., Diedrichsen, J. (2023). A hierarchical atlas of the human cerebellum for functional precision mapping. BioRviv.
- Shahshahani, L., King, M., Nettekoven, C., Ivry, R., Diedrichsen, J. (2024). Selective recruitment of the cerebellum evidenced by task-dependent gating of inputs. Elife, 13.
- Sadnicka, A., Wiestler, T., Butler, K., Altenmuller, E., Edwards, M., Ejaz, N., Diedrichsen, J. (2024). Boundaries of task-specificity: bimanual finger dexterity is reduced in musician's dystonia. Sci. Rep., 14(1), 15972.
- Shahbazi, M., Ariani, G., Kashefi, M., Pruszynski, J., Diedrichsen, J. (2024). Neural Correlates of Online Action Preparation. J. Neurosci., 44(22).
- Tucciarelli, R., Ejaz, N., Wesselink, D., Kolli, V., Hodgetts, C., Diedrichsen, J., Makin, T. (2024). Does Ipsilateral Remapping Following Hand Loss Impact Motor Control of the Intact Hand?. J. Neurosci., 44(4).
- Gaiser, C., Vliet, R., Boer, A., Donchin, O., Berthet, P., Devenyi, G., Mallar, M., Diedrichsen, J., Marquand, A., Frens, M., Muetzel, R. (2024). Population-wide cerebellar growth models of children and adolescents. Nat. Commun., 15(1), 2351.
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- Sadnicka, A., Wiestler, T., Butler, K., Altenmueller, E., Edwards, M., Ejaz, N., Diedrichsen, J. (2023). Intact finger representation within primary sensorimotor cortex of musician's dystonia. Brain, 146, 1511-1522.
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- Wesselink, D., Sanders, Z., Edmondson, L., Dempsey-Jones, H., Kieliba, P., Kikkert, S., Themistocleous, A., Emir, U., Diedrichsen, J., Saal, H., Makin, T. (2022). Malleability of the cortical hand map following a finger nerve block. Science advances, 8(16).
- Arbuckle, S., Pruszynski, J., Diedrichsen, J. (2022). Mapping the Integration of Sensory Information across Fingers in Human Sensorimotor Cortex. The Journal of neuroscience : the official journal of the Society for Neuroscience, 42(26), JN-RM-2152-21.
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- Zhi, D., King, M., Hernandez-Castillo, C., Diedrichsen, J. (2022). Evaluating brain parcellations using the distance-controlled boundary coefficient. Human Brain Mapping, 43(12), 3706-3720.
- Popp, N., Hernandez-Castillo, C., Gribble, P., Diedrichsen, J. (2022). The role of feedback in the production of skilled finger sequences.. Journal of neurophysiology, 127(4), 829-839.
- Branscheidt, M., Ejaz, N., Xu, J., Widmer, M., Harran, M., Cort, J., Kitago, T., Celnik, P., Hernandez-Castillo, C., Diedrichsen, J., Luft, A., Krakauer, J. (2022). No evidence for motor-recovery-related cortical connectivity changes after stroke using resting-state fMRI. Journal of Neurophysiology, 127(3), 637-650.
- Kerestes, R., Han, S., Balachander, S., Hernandez-Castillo, C., Prince, J., Diedrichsen, J., Harding, I. (2022). A Standardized Pipeline for Examining Human Cerebellar Grey Matter Morphometry using Structural Magnetic Resonance Imaging.. Journal of visualized experiments : JoVE(180).
- Reichenbach, A., Urgen, B., Apostolakis, S., Michlin, L., Diedrichsen, J. (2022). Factors governing the assignment of visual consequence to the corresponding action.. Journal of neurophysiology.
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- Ariani, G., Pruszynski, J., Diedrichsen, J. (2022). Motor planning brings human primary somatosensory cortex into action-specific preparatory states. eLife, 11.
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- Abekawa, N., Gomi, H., Diedrichsen, J. (2021). Gaze control during reaching is flexibly modulated to optimize task outcome. Journal of Neurophysiology.
- Berlot, E., Popp, N., Grafton, S., Diedrichsen, J. (2021). Combining repetition suppression and pattern analysis provides new insights into the role of M1 and parietal areas in skilled sequential actions. The Journal of Neuroscience.
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- Arbuckle, S., Weiler, J., Kirk, E., Rice, C., Schieber, M., Pruszynski, J., Ejaz, N., Diedrichsen, J. (2020). Structure of Population Activity in Primary Motor Cortex for Single Finger Flexion and Extension. The Journal of Neuroscience, 40(48), 9210-9223.
- Popp, N., Yokoi, A., Gribble, P., Diedrichsen, J. (2020). The effect of instruction on motor skill learning. Journal of Neurophysiology, 124(5), 1449-1457.
- Sereno, M., Diedrichsen, J., Tachrount, M., Testa-Silva, G., D'Arceuil, H., De Zeeuw, C. (2020). The human cerebellum has almost 80% of the surface area of the neocortex. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, 117(32), 19538-19543.
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- Ariani, G., Kwon, Y., Diedrichsen, J. (2020). Repetita iuvant: repetition facilitates online planning of sequential movements. Journal of Neurophysiology, 123(5), 1727-1738.
- Hernandez-Castillo, C., Maeda, R., Pruszynski, J., Diedrichsen, J. (2020). Sensory information from a slipping object elicits a rapid and automatic shoulder response. Journal of Neurophysiology, 123(3), 1103-1112.
- Diedrichsen, J. (2020). Representational models and the feature fallacy. In M. S. Gazzaniga (Ed.), The Cognitive Neurosciences.
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- Yokoi, A., Diedrichsen, J. (2019). Neural Organization of Hierarchical Motor Sequence Representations in the Human Neocortex. Neuron.
- King, M., Hernandez-Castillo, C.R., Poldrack, R. A., Ivry, R., Diedrichsen, J. (2019). Functional Boundaries in the Human Cerebellum revealed by a Multi-Domain Task Battery. Nature Neuroscience.
- Diedrichsen, J., King, M., Hernandez-Castillo, C., Sereno, M., & Ivry, R. B. (2019). Universal Transform or Multiple Functionality? Understanding the Contribution of the Human Cerebellum across Task Domains. Neuron.
- Kriegeskorte, N., Diedrichsen, J. (2019). Peeling the onion of brain representations. Annual Review of Neuroscience.
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- Ariani, G., & Diedrichsen, J. (2019). Sequence learning is driven by improvements in motor planning. Journal of Neurophysiology, 121(6), 2088-2100.
- Friston, K. J., Diedrichsen, J., Holmes, E., & Zeidman, P. (2019). Variational representational similarity analysis. NeuroImage.
- Ejaz, N., Xu, J., Branscheidt, M., Hertler, B., Schambra, H., Widmer, M., ... Diedrichsen, J. (2019). Reply: Further evidence for a non-cortical origin of mirror movements after stroke. Brain.
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- Wesselink, D. B., van den Heiligenberg, F. M., Ejaz, N., Dempsey-Jones, H., Cardinali, L., Tarall-Jozwiak, A., Diedrichsen, J., Makin, T. R. (2019). Obtaining and maintaining cortical hand representation as evidenced from acquired and congenital handlessness. ELife.
- Arbuckle, S. A., Yokoi, A., Pruszynski, J. A., & Diedrichsen, J. (2019). Stability of representational geometry across a wide range of fMRI activity levels. NeuroImage. 1;186:155-163.
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- Hernandez-Castillo, C.R., Limperopoulos, C., Diedrichsen, J. (2019). A representative template of the neonatal cerebellum. Neuroimage, 184, 450-454
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- Reichenbach, A., Franklin, D. W., Zatka-Haas, P., & Diedrichsen, J. (2014). A dedicated binding mechanism for the visual control of movement. Current Biology.
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- Reichenbach, A., Costello, A., Zatka-Haas, P., & Diedrichsen, J. (2013). Mechanisms of responsibility assignment during redundant reaching movements. J Neurophysiol.
- Kornysheva, K., Sierk, A., & Diedrichsen, J. (2013). Interaction of temporal and ordinal representations in movement sequences. J Neurophysiol.
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- Diedrichsen, J., Wiestler, T., & Krakauer, J. W. (2012). Two distinct ipsilateral cortical representations for individuated finger movements. Cerebral Cortex.
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- Diedrichsen, J., Maderwald, S., Kuper, M., Thurling, M., Rabe, K., Gizewski, E. R., et al. (2011). Imaging the deep cerebellar nuclei: A probabilistic atlas and normalization procedure. Neuroimage.
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- Diedrichsen, J., Verstynen, T., Schlerf, J., Wiestler, T. (2010). Advances in functional imaging of the human cerebellum. Curr Opin Neurol.
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- Huang, V. S., Shadmehr, R., & Diedrichsen, J. (2008). Active learning: learning a motor skill without a coach. J Neurophysiology.
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- Grafton, S. T., Schmitt, P., Van Horn, J., & Diedrichsen, J. (2008). Neural substrates of visuomotor learning based on improved feedback control and prediction. Neuroimage,39 (3), 1383-1395.
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- Sternard, D., Wei, K., Diedrichsen, J., Ivry, R. B. (2007). Intermanual interactions during initiation and production of rhythmic and discrete movements in individuals lacking a corpus callosum. Experimental Brain Research.
- Diedrichsen, J. (2006). A spatially unbiased atlas template of the human cerebellum. Neuroimage.
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- Aparicio, P., Diedrichsen, J. , & Ivry, R. B. (2005). Effects of focal basal ganglia lesions on timing and force control. Brain Cogn 58,1: 62-74.
- Diedrichsen, J., T. Verstynen, Lehman, S. L., & Ivry, R. B. (2005). Cerebellar involvement in anticipating the consequences of self-produced actions during bimanual movements. Journal of Neurophysiology. 93, 2: 801-12.
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- Diedrichsen, J., Werner, S., Schmidt, T., Trommershäuser, J. (2004). Immediate spatial distortions of pointing movements induced by visual landmarks.Perception & Psychophysics, 66(1), 89-103.
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- Ivry, R. B., Diedrichsen, J., Spencer, R. M., Hazeltine, E., & Semjen, A. (2004). A cognitive neuroscience perspective on bimanual coordination and interference. In S. Swinnen & J. Duysens (Eds.), Interlimb Coordination (pp. 259-295). Boston: Kluwer Academic Publishing.
- Diedrichsen, J., Hazeltine, E., Nurss, W., & Ivry, R. B. (2003). The role of the corpus callosum in the coupling of bimanual isometric force pulses. Journal of Neurophysiology, 90(4), 2409-2418.
- Schmidt, T., Werner, S., & Diedrichsen, J. (2003). Spatial distortions induced by multiple visual landmarks: how local distortions combine to produce complex distortion patterns. Percept Psychophys, 65(6), 861-873.
- Spencer, R., Zelaznick, H., Diedrichsen, J., & Ivry, R.B. (2003). Disrupted timing in discontinuous but not continuous movements by cerebellar lesions. Science, 300, 1437-1439.
- Diedrichsen, J., Ivry, R. B., Hazeltine, E., Kennerley, S., & Cohen, A. (2003). Bimanual interference associated with the selection of target locations. Journal of Experimental Psychology: Human Perception & Performance, 29(1), 64-77.
- Hazeltine, E., Diedrichsen, J., Kennerley, S., & Ivry, R. B. (2003). Bimanual cross-talk during reaching movements is primarily related to response selection, not the specification of motor parameters. Psychological Research, 67, 56-70.
- Diedrichsen, J., Verstynen, T., Hon, A., Lehman, S. L., & Ivry, R. B. (2003). Anticipatory adjustments in the unloading task: Is an efference copy necessary for learning? Experimental Brain Research, 148, 272-276.
- Diedrichsen, J., Ivry, R. B., & Pressing, J. (2003). Cerebellar and basal ganglia contributions to interval timing. W. H. Meck (Ed.), Functional and neural mechanisms of interval timing. Boca Raton, FL: CRC Press.
- Diedrichsen, J. (2003). The Neural Control of Anticipatory Postural Adjustments during Bimanual Movements. Unpublished Dissertation, University of California, Berkeley, CA.
- Werner, S., Diedrichsen, J. (2002). The time course of spatial memory distortions. Memory and Cognition,30, 718-730.
- *Kennerley, S., *Diedrichsen, J., Hazeltine, E., Semjen, A., & Ivry, R. B. (2002). Callosotomy patients exhibit temporal and spatial uncoupling during continuous bimanual movements. Nature Neuroscience, 5(4), 376-381.
- Ivry, R.B., Spencer, R.M., Zelaznik, H.N., & Diedrichsen, J. (2002). The cerebellum and event timing. Annals of the New York Academy of Sciences, 978, 302-317.
- Diedrichsen, J., Hazeltine, E., Kennerley, S., Ivry, R. B. (2001). Moving to directly cued locations abolishes spatial interference during bimanual actions. Psychological Science, 12, 493-498.
- Prinzmetal, W., Diedrichsen, J., & Ivry, R. B. (2001). Illusory conjunctions are alive and well: A reply to Donk (1999). Journal of Experimental Psychology: Human Perception & Performance, 27(3), 538-541.
- Diedrichsen, J., & Hazeltine, E. (2001). Unifying by binding: will binding really bind? A commentary on Hommel et al. (2001). Behavioral & Brain Sciences, 24, 884-885.
- Diedrichsen J., Ivry, R.B., Cohen, A., Danziger, S. (2000). Asymmetries in a Unilateral Flanker Task Depend on the Direction of the Response: The Role of Attentional Shift and Perceptual Grouping. Journal of Experimental Psychology: Human Perception and Performance, 1, 113-126.
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